dimanche 26 mai 2019

Botium isn't working following the tutorial

I'm setting up Botium testing freamework to run some tests against my watson based chatbot, I'm encountering Error: WATSON_USER capability required

As part of the error message, it's also suggesting me to use API key, I'm not sure how to get one.

botium-cli emulator --config ./botium.json
Error: WATSON_USER capability required (or use WATSON_APIKEY)
    at BotiumConnectorWatson.Validate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-connector-watson/dist/botium-connector-watson-cjs.js:60:55)
    at Validate.Validate.then (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/containers/PluginConnectorContainer.js:72:66)

My config looks like:

    "botium": {
        "Capabilities": {
            "PROJECTNAME": "****",
            "CONTAINERMODE": "watson",
            "WATSONCONVERSATION_USER": "*****",

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