samedi 30 novembre 2019

Test on Room Database, iterable containing "Item" but !item 0 was "Item"

Goog afternoon,

I search on by database to test on a specific class Test, when I put a new item, if the list contains the item.

public void insertAndDeleteTask() throws InterruptedException {

        Project projectTartampion = new Project(1L, "Projet Tartampion", 0xFFEADAD1);
        long projectID1L = projectDao.inserProject(projectTartampion);
        Task task1L = new Task(1,projectID1L,"Test",3);

    List<Project> allProjects = LiveDataTestUtil.getValue(projectDao.getAllProjects());

    List<Task> allTasks = LiveDataTestUtil.getValue(taskDao.getAllTasks());


    assertThat(allTasks, contains(task1L));//HERE TO TEST IF allTasks contains task1L/////

Error result on log Test :

iterable containing info Task{id=1, projectId=1, name='Test', creationTimestamp=3} but: item 0: was Task{id=1, projectId=1, name='Test', creationTimestamp=3}

But I don't exactly understand what's happening, because when I use the Log.i to see if my item is in the list, it is on.

Thanks for your answer

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