I have simple apache cxf jax-rs app, on spring boot. I can't understand, why my tests don't work with embedded Tomcat. My test class:
@SpringBootTest(classes = { RestfullServerStarter.class })
public class ServiceImplTests {
private static final String INFO_ENDPOINT_URL = "api/info";
private static final String HEALTH_ENDPOINT_URL = "api/health";
private CloseableHttpClient client;
private String host = "http://localhost:8000/";
public void createClient() {
client = HttpClients.createDefault();
public void closeClient() throws IOException {
public void testGetInfoSuccess() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, ParseException {
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(host + INFO_ENDPOINT_URL);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet);
assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
Info infoFromResponse = getInfoFromResponse();
LocalDate date = LocalDate.now();
private boolean isVersionSetCorrectly(String version) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\\d{1,3}[.]+\\d{1,3}[.]*\\d*[.]*[-]*[a-zA-Z\\d]*");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(version);
if (matcher.find()) {
return true;
return false;
public void testGetStatusSuccess() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(host + HEALTH_ENDPOINT_URL);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet);
assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
Status statusFromResponse = getStatusFromResponse();
assertEquals("OK", statusFromResponse.getStatus());
private Status getStatusFromResponse() throws IOException {
final URL url = new URL(host + HEALTH_ENDPOINT_URL);
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(host + HEALTH_ENDPOINT_URL);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet);
if ("Content-Type: application/xml".equals(response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type").toString())) {
InputStream input = url.openStream();
return JAXB.unmarshal(new InputStreamReader(input), Status.class);
} else {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
InputStream input = url.openStream();
return objectMapper.readValue(input, Status.class);
private Info getInfoFromResponse() throws IOException {
final URL url = new URL(host + INFO_ENDPOINT_URL);
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(host + INFO_ENDPOINT_URL);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet);
if ("Content-Type: application/xml".equals(response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type").toString())) {
InputStream input = url.openStream();
return JAXB.unmarshal(new InputStreamReader(input), Info.class);
} else {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
InputStream input = url.openStream();
return objectMapper.readValue(input, Info.class);
It works with jetty perfectly, but now I should do it with Tomcat, and I get this exceptions:
org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to localhost:8000 [localhost/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
What I did wrong?
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