mercredi 11 décembre 2019

Hamcrest is there an at least one match - using either, anyOf?

Some time I am using anyOf(Matcher..) to check for example 2 lists or elements of complex objects. I know given items should be randomly distributed in both lists - or in fields of these complex objects. How to check that no item is missing.

For example my current problem:

assertThat(lewcc1.size(), is(2));
assertThat(lewcc1.get(0).getCompanyCodes().size(), is(1));
assertThat(lewcc1.get(1).getCompanyCodes().size(), is(1));
assertThat(lewcc1.get(0).getLegalEntity(), Matchers.anyOf(is(le1Domain), is(leNotExist)));
assertThat(lewcc1.get(1).getLegalEntity(), Matchers.anyOf(is(le1Domain), is(leNotExist)));

So how to check if I have exactly one or at least one match for - le1Domain and leNotExist?

Is there a way with Hamcrest to check this?

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