vendredi 6 décembre 2019

How to test setter in subscribe? angular

I have this code:

    public ngOnInit(): void {
    this.searchControl.valueChanges.pipe(debounceTime(300), this.takeUntilDestroyed()).subscribe(query => {
      this.officeService.searchQuery = query;

How to coverage searchQuery setter?

I wrote test who pass, but not coverage setter.

My test:

it('should searchQuery called ', () => {
    const { component, service } = setup();
    const query: string = 'test';
    const fixture: ComponentFixture<SearchComponent> = TestBed.createComponent(SearchComponent);
    const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));
    const inputEvent = new Event('input');
    const spiez: jasmine.Spy = spyOnProperty(service, 'searchQuery', 'set');

    component.searchControl.valueChanges.subscribe((tmp: string) => expect(spiez).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tmp));
    input.nativeElement.value = 'newString';


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