jeudi 5 décembre 2019

mocking an invoked promise in xstate

I am trying to test that a promise is invoked when a state transition happens.

I followed the approach outlined in the official xState tutorial but I get the following error

Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Timeout

This is my state machine, all it does is invokes a promise when you transition from the initial state.

export const statsMachine = Machine(
    id: 'stats',
    initial: 'incomplete',
    states: {
      incomplete: {
        on: {
          MODAL_OPENED: 'loading',
      loading: {
        invoke: {
          id: 'setRatioDefaultsInFirebase',
          src: (context, event) => setStatDefaults(event.payload && event.payload.userId),
          onDone: {
            target: 'modal',
          onError: {
            target: 'incomplete',
      modal: {...}

This is my test. rather than firing a real api call like they do in the tutorial, I want to mock my api call. I'm using jest to mock the side effect. I want to assert that the mocked side effect was called. But I get the error out lined above.


test('stats should start off with minimum ratios', done => {

      const statsBoxService = interpret(statsMachine)
        .onTransition(state => {
          if (state.matches({ selected: 'modal' })) {


What do I have to change to assert that my mocked side effect got called when the machine transitioned?

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