lundi 25 mai 2020

TestCafe firefox fails when page load takes too long

I'm pretty new to UI testing and just started exploring testCafe

I'm writing a simple test in testCafe that will go to google, search testCafe, click on the submit button , then click on the first search result that appears and verify if it is the testCafe page:

import {Selector} from 'testcafe';
import {ClientFunction} from 'testcafe';

const getURL = ClientFunction(()=> window.location.href);

fixture `Getting Started`
    .page ``;

test('Google Search test', async t =>{
    await t
    .click('div.r > a')


This test works perfectly with Chrome and Safari, however Firefox is taking too long to load the google home page, and it is somehow not able to find the input[type="submit"] button. Thus the test fails. It seems to me that the test starts executing even before the pageLoad finishes.

Here is the error that comes in Firefox:

   1) The element that matches the specified selector is not visible.

      Browser: Firefox 75.0 / macOS 10.14

          7 |    .page ``;
          8 |
          9 |test('Google Search test', async t =>{
         10 |    await t
         11 |    .typeText('input[name="q"]','testcafe')
       > 12 |    .click('input[type="submit"]')
         13 |    .click('div.r > a')
         14 |    .expect(getURL()).eql("")
         15 |
         16 |})

         at <anonymous> (/Users/goplap/TestCafeTest/tests/sampleTest.js:12:6)
         at <anonymous> (/Users/goplap/TestCafeTest/tests/sampleTest.js:9:1)
         at <anonymous> (/Users/goplap/TestCafeTest/node_modules/testcafe/src/api/wrap-test-function.js:17:28)
         at TestRun._executeTestFn (/Users/goplap/TestCafeTest/node_modules/testcafe/src/test-run/index.js:295:19)
         at TestRun.start (/Users/goplap/TestCafeTest/node_modules/testcafe/src/test-run/index.js:345:24)

 1/1 failed (18s)

Is there a better way to write this test?

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