dimanche 9 août 2020

How can I test functions as child in React? The snapshot is

I was creating a component that returns a label and a children, this child is a function that evaluates if the field has type 'input' or 'textarea' and returns it:

export const Field = ({
}) => {
  return (
      <label htmlFor={name}> {label}</label>
      {() => {
        switch (fieldType) {
          case 'textarea':
            return (
            return (

I like to start my test by creating a snapshot of the component

describe('Unit testing: <Field /> component', () => {
  test('Should render correctly ', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Field fieldType='textarea' />);


This is the result of my snapshot (I'm using enzyme-to-json):

exports[`Unit testing for Field component Should render correctly  1`] = `
    Test Label
  <Component />

As you can see, the child has been rendered just as and this is very fuzzy to me... I would like to know how can I exactly test that my component is really rendering either an input or a textarea...

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