lundi 24 août 2020

Implementation of the Postfix-Notation in Java, why does the testcase fail?

I try to implement the Postfix-Notation/ Reverse Polish Notation, for that I may use as an Import only the following class:

public class IntegerStack
    public boolean emptystack();
    public int head();
    public void push(int i);
    public int pop();

Unfortunaetly a given Testcase fails with the following prompt:


IntegerStack s = new IntegerStack();
String[] input = {"1", "2", "*", "3", "4", "*", "+"};
Calculator(input, s);
System.out.println(s.compareHistory(new String[] { 
"[1, 2]",
"[2, 3]",
"[2, 3, 4]",
"[2, 3]",
"[2, 12]",
"[]" }
 // what it should be as output:


// what the output is now:
wrong history length: target 14 - is 0

I don´t understand what this errorline "wrong history length: target 14 - is 0 false" means in this case, can anyone please explain to me what the mean and how I can fix it?

The code I´ve written so far:

public int Calculator(String[] input, IntegerStack s) 
{ s = new IntegerStack(); 
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
switch(input[i]) {
  case "+":
    int x = s.pop();
    int y = s.pop();

      s.push(y + x);
  case "-":
    x = s.pop();
    y = s.pop();

      s.push(y - x);
  case "/":
    x = s.pop();
    y = s.pop();

      s.push(y / x);
  case "*":
    x = s.pop();
    y = s.pop();

      s.push(y * x);
  case " ":
    if (input[i] != null) {
    else {

int z = s.pop();
return z;

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