mercredi 30 septembre 2020

Getting error while calling variable at run time using jenkins

If i do the execution in local it is working fine with the same command, But if i hit the same command in Jenkins Getting below error. Can someone please guide me on this.

cd C:\temp\Project path\

IF  "%Execution_File_Name%" == "Tests" (

             echo "Full suite execution scheduled"

             pabot --testlevelsplit --processes 6 --ordering order_file.pabotsuitenames -v 
             URL:%URL% -v username:%UserName% -v password:%Password% -v project:%Password%
             --removekeywords WUKS -d Results %Execution_File_Name%

    ) ELSE (

          echo "Module execution started"

          robot --removekeywords WUKS -d Results -v URL:%URL% -v username:%UserName% -v 
          password:%Password% -v project:%Project% Tests\%Execution_File_Name%

exit 0

Getting below error in Jenkins as -

>    "Module execution started"
>[ ERROR ] Expected at least 1 argument, got 0.
>Try --help for usage information.
>The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

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