mercredi 30 septembre 2020

What to test and what to ignore in Jest test for a React Redux Action?

I have a Jest test file that tests an action. In the Jest file, I make sure that the action, loadUser(), dispatches all of its expected action types, USER_LOADED and AUTH_ERROR:

  describe('loadUser() action.', () => {
    test('dispatches USER_LOADED.', async () => {
      mockAxios.get.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
          data: {
            user: {
              name: 'test name',
              email: '',
              avatar: '',
              date: '',

      await store.dispatch(authActions.loadUser());

      const actions = store.getActions();
      const expectedActions = [
          type: USER_LOADED,
          payload: {
            user: {
              name: 'test name',
              email: '',
              avatar: '',
              date: '',

    test('dispatches AUTH_ERROR.', async () => {
      mockAxios.get.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
        Promise.reject({ err: 'Failed to load user.' })

      await store.dispatch(authActions.loadUser());

      const actions = store.getActions();
      const expectedActions = [
          type: AUTH_ERROR,

However, when I check the coverage report, the action's Branch coverage is not 100%. The following is the action file and action in question:

export const loadUser = () => async (dispatch) => {
  // This branch is not being tested. Should it be tested in my actions test?
  if (localStorage.token) {

  try {
    const res = await axios.get('/api/auth');

      type: USER_LOADED,
  } catch (err) {
      type: AUTH_ERROR,

Should I be testing the branch if (localStorage.token) {} in my actions Jest test? If so, how should I test it? My current assumption is that my Redux action tests should make sure the correct action types are dispatched.

If I don't need to test that branch, is it fine to leave my coverage for branch at 50%?

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