mardi 29 décembre 2020

Using multiple Cucumber Runners on the same project under different packages is a good practice?

I want to use Cucumber for testing all the API's as TestNG tests, inside my microservice which is a SpringBootApplication.

So I've defined for the beginning 2 feature files under: src/test/resources/features:

  • API1.feature
  • API2.feature

Then, for each feature file, I have implemented the Step Definitions classes and CucumberRunners under src/test/cucumber:


  • annotated with @CucumberContextConfiguration
  • - extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests


  • annotated with @CucumberContextConfiguration
  • - extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests

Is this a good practice to apply, having one CucumberRunner for each feature file?

Because otherwise, letting just one class with one Configuration class (annotated with @CucumberContextConfiguration) will lead to unexpected behavior when the tests are being ran on Jenkins (they are failing due to some MongoDB exceptions [] while locally is all smooth).

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