samedi 30 janvier 2021

Tests don't pass using react-testing-library when adding firebase persistance, but when testing manually, everything works

I am testing my SingIn component in my React app. All tests passed until I added firebase.auth().setPersistance() to my submit handler. I use jest with react-testing-library for tests.

part of test that fails:

typeLoginCredentials(email, 'badpassword');
act(() => {;
expect(await screen.findByText(/Wrong password/)).toBeInTheDocument();

and part of my submit handler:

try {
  let persistence = rememberAuth ? firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence.LOCAL : 
  await fireApp
  await fireApp
     .signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);

When i test this manually in my browser, everything works fine. But tests pass only when I remove persistence part:

await fireApp.auth().setPersistence(persistence);

I even tried to change findBy timeout, but it didn't help.

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