mardi 2 février 2021

testcafe - Using both role and data driven test

I just discovered that testcafe can handle loop for data-driven testing

I've been using role to handle my logins for a while now

And, now I am trying to use both at the same time, with something like :

import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

const dataSet = require('./data.json');

fixture `Data-Driven Tests`
    .page `https:/xxx`;

dataSet.forEach(data => {
    test(`login`, async t => {
        await t.useRole(data.role)      

but I get the error The "role" argument is expected to be a Role instance, but it was string.

I could rewrite the login process in this test using only the data.json file, but as I'm using roles in other tests, I'd like to avoid that.

Any idea on how I can use both role and data-driven loop in my test ?

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