mardi 13 avril 2021

Best way to handle QA testing flow on bugfixes?

I have a question about QA manual testing on bugfixes. Right now when there's a bug in our code, we do this:

  • Fix the bug in development branch.
  • Create PR from bug-branch-dev to development
  • Create PR from bug-branch-qa to qa (or cherry pick)
  • After code review, merge the code in both development and qa
  • Our QA will test in the QA environment.

There's an issue with this: if the QA find that the issue was not completely solved, he will return the issue to us, and we have to create a new PR.

Wouldn't it be better if the QA tested in a local environment, in bug-branch-qa?

EDIT: Sorry if this a stupid or trivial question, I just want to get opinions.

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