samedi 26 décembre 2015

can function test be called integration test at the same?

This is part of example.c from zlib, I initially want to convert them into unit test using check, then I kind of getconfused:

are these tests below are function tests? or they could be called integration tests or unit tests as well?

test_compress(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_deflate(compr, comprLen);
test_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_large_deflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_large_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_flush(compr, &comprLen);
test_sync(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
comprLen = uncomprLen;
test_dict_deflate(compr, comprLen);
test_dict_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);

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