jeudi 21 décembre 2017

Can't get jest snapshot match to pass. Any help greatly appreciated

I've been playing around with this for a couple days now but can't get a simple '.toMatchSnapshot' to pass. I clearly don't understand how this works. Should i be changing the setup of my code or my test?

the code:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { ListGroup, ListGroupItem } from 'react-bootstrap';
import TodoItem from './TodoItem';
import TodoAPI from '../api/TodoAPI';

export class TodoList extends Component {
    renderTodos = () => {
        const { todos, toggleShowCompleted, searchInput } = this.props;
        if (todos.length === 0) {
            return (
                    <p>Nothing Scheduled To Do</p>
                    <hr />
        return TodoAPI.filterTodos(
        ).map(todo => {
            return (
                <ListGroupItem key={}>
                    <TodoItem {...todo} />
    render() {
        return (

function mapStateToProps({ todos, toggleShowCompleted, searchInput }) {
    return { toggleShowCompleted, searchInput, todos };

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TodoList);

the test:

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { TodoList } from './TodoList';

describe('TodoList', () => {
    const props = {
        todos: { id: 1234, text: 'walk the cat' },
        toggleShowCompleted: false,
        searchInput: ''
    const todoList = shallow(<TodoList {...props} />);

    it('renders properly', () => {

the error:

FAIL src\components\TodoList.test.js ● TodoList › encountered a declaration exception

FAIL src\components\TodoList.test.js ● TodoList › encountered a declaration exception

TypeError: filteredTodos.filter is not a function

  at Object.filterTodos (src/api/TodoAPI.js:27:33)

so it's erroring over my TodoAPI but i'm not sure how to fix this issue. here is the code for over in the 'TodoAPI.js'

const APIFunctions = {
    setTodos(todos) {
        if (Array.isArray(todos)) {
            localStorage.setItem('todos', JSON.stringify(todos));
            // return original array if if fails
            return todos;

    getTodos() {
        const stringTodos = localStorage.getItem('todos');
        let todos = [];

        try {
            todos = JSON.parse(stringTodos);
        } catch (e) {
            // stick with default array

        // insure we actaully have an array and not any malicious code
        return Array.isArray(todos) ? todos : [];

    filterTodos(todos, showCompleted, searchInput) {
        var filteredTodos = todos;
        // filter by showCompleted
        filteredTodos = filteredTodos.filter(todo => {
            // if todo.completed === false continue to show the todo OR if showCompleted === true continue to show todo
            return !todo.completed || showCompleted;
        // filter by searchText
        filteredTodos = filteredTodos.filter(todo => {
            const text = todo.text.toLowerCase();
            return searchInput.length === 0 || todo.text.indexOf(searchInput) > -1;
        // sort todos with non-completed first
        filteredTodos.sort((a, b) => {
            // if a is not completed and b is completed a should come before b
            if (!a.completed && b.completed) {
                return -1;
                // if a is completed and b isn't completed b should come before b
            } else if (a.completed && !b.completed) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                // a is equal to b and thus, no reason to sort
                return 0;
        return filteredTodos;
    }, ...

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