dimanche 31 décembre 2017

Continuous Integration and Isolated Feature Testing

I've been given the task at work to move everyone from using TFS Source Control to Git as the Development Team has been lead to believe that Git may well be the silver bullet that will fix alot of the teams issues. I carried out the migration a month back and fortunately Git has fixed one thing for the team - code reviews are now alot more structured as pull requests in Git give the developer and reviewers a auditible platform to merge code into the master branch. There is however an issue of merge conflicts still, some of which taking up to 2 or 3 hours to resolve. The team are questioning if the tool (Git) is to blame whereas under analysis, I believe there are many other fundamental processes and pratices at fault within the team. To name but a few that don't sit well with me:

All products (Visual Studio Projects) maintained by the company sit under one Visual Studio Solution. This is around 40+ VS Projects ranging from Class Librarys, Services and Database tiers. If an update needs to be made to Production for one product, the whole Solution (along with the other products) needs to be released. There a 4 Scrum Teams working on the same VS Solution looking after their own Products. The Sprints all start on different days in a two-week cycle and therefore at any point in time, each team's Sprint is at a different state. Due to the issue raised in the first bullet point however, complexity ensues when it comes to the monthly release to Production as code for each product can be at separate stages. Anyway, that paints part of the scene to help pose my question. We're now using Git using the following structure:

Feature branch - Used for each User Story being worked upon in a Sprint Develop branch - All Feature branches are merged into here once the Pull Request has been approved and the change tested in isolation on a test server Master branch - Successfully tested features are cherry-picked into the Master branch My question is, how does DevOps / CI handle testing newly coded features in isolation? I've never worked in a place where we've tested new changes in total isolation therefore I can't get my head around why it's so important to my new Dev Team. In my opinion, the sooner we can test new changes with the rest of the codebase, the better.

Feel free to ask me any questions if you need me to elaborate on anything. Thanks in advance.

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