vendredi 25 janvier 2019

Weld extension for Junit5

I use Junit5 test platform with Weld WeldJunit5AutoExtension.class for DI in my Junit5 tests.

Links for the libraries:

The main pom.xml contains:




Simple example of test class

import a.b
import c.d
import e.f
import g.h

@AddPackages(b.class, d.class, f.class. h.class)
class MyTest {

    private B b;

    private D d;

    private F f;

    private H h;


Is there a posibility to have a full discovery automatic mode without additional annotations other than @Enable... in general. Before Weld extension for Junit5 i've use a CdiRunner.class for Junit4 and all injections were fully automatic. Sometimes I have to add an annotation.

In other word I want to discover not only a test package classes but add for example all dependencies from other modules to Weld container to avoid 'annotation hell'.

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