vendredi 27 décembre 2019

Why does Sinon FakeServer does not trigger with sinon >= 7.4.1?

At we have some Sinon tests. Currently there is version <7.4.1 used but I wanted to upgrade it. According to the changelog there should be no issue, still: it won't work.

Here is the test:

What fails is the mock browser on line 53:


The error output:

1) script
   "after each" hook for "redirects to user chat page":
 ExpectationError: Expected goTo(/?page=msg&cid=10[, ...]) once (never called)

It seems that the ajax request is never executed, or at least there is no response? I am really not sure why does this happen.[1] calls conv.userChat(fsid)[2] which then calls ajax.req in the script.js[3].




It even calls the complete callback function with version >=7.4.1 but no fail and no success callback function is called...

Any ideas what is wrong? Did Sinon change anything back then?

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