samedi 20 décembre 2014

how to get an outerHTML, innerHTML, and getText() of an element

I'm newbie to protractor framework, and I've been trying for a while to figure out how to get the outerHTML/InnerHTML/getText() (child elements) so that I can test if an element <img> is rendered onto a view. Heads up, we've an ng-grid and I'm trying to look up in its first column to see if it contains an img element also check if it contains an attribute i.e. src=res/someImg.png.

Here is what I got


<i><img src="res/someImg.png"></i>


it('should render an icon in agent list', function () {
var row = element.all(by.repeater('row in renderedRows')).get(3);
expect(row).not.toEqual(null); //pass
expect(row.element(by.css('img')).getAttribute('src').getText()).toMatch(/someImg.png/);//fail with null
expect(row.element(by.css('span')).outerHTML).toBe('<i><img src="res/someImg.png"></i>'); //fails
expect(row.element(by.css('i')).innerHTML).toBe('<img src="res/someImg.png">'); //fails


Can someone tell what am I doing wrong please?

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