vendredi 27 février 2015

How can I detect if my express (4.0) node.js app is using a specific piece middleware?

For the purposes of Unit testing I'd like to be able to work out if some middleware is in use.

For example


var express = require('express');
var morgan = require('morgan');

module.exports = function(options) {
var app = express();

if (options.logRequests) {

return app;

app.test.js (run via mocha)

describe('app', function(){
it('should log requests when initialized with the `log requests` option', function() {
var app = require('./app)({ logRequests: true });

// Something to establish whether or not morgan is in use

I believe middleware is pushed to the seemingly undocumented express "stack", which can be accessed via the app._router.stack array, but this looks like a pretty horrible way to get to what I'm after.

Is anyone aware of a better way to this my assertion?


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