mardi 24 février 2015

'equal' is not defined : Ember-qunit does not seem to be importing

It appears the Qunit test methods aren't available even though I'm pretty sure I am importing them correctly.

I get the following errors:

unit/models/friend-test.js: line 11, col 3, 'ok' is not defined.
unit/models/friend-test.js: line 17, col 3, 'equal' is not defined.
unit/models/friend-test.js: line 23, col 3, 'equal' is not defined.
unit/models/friend-test.js: line 31, col 3, 'equal' is not defined.
unit/models/friend-test.js: line 32, col 3, 'equal' is not defined.

I have this test file unit/models/friend-test:

import Ember from 'ember';
import { moduleForModel, test } from 'ember-qunit';

moduleForModel('friend', 'Friend', {
needs: ['model:article']

test('it exists', function() {
var model = this.subject();

test('fullName concats first and last name', function() {
var model = this.subject({firstName: 'Syd', lastName: 'Barrett'});

equal(model.get('fullName'), 'Syd Barrett'); {
model.set('firstName', 'Geddy');

equal(model.get('fullName'), 'Geddy Barrett', 'Updates fullName');

test('articles relationship', function() {
var klass = this.subject({}).constructor;

var relationship = Ember.get(klass, 'relationshipsByName').get('articles');

equal(relationship.key, 'articles');
equal(relationship.kind, 'hasMany');

I'm working through "Ember CLI 101"

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