mercredi 25 février 2015

How to make route method works in Play 2.x sub-project?

I have a Play 2.3 project with a sub-project inside. Following this tutorial, I am writing a test for sub-project's controller with route method:

"Get Action" in new WithApplication {
val Some(result) = route(FakeRequest(GET, "/sub/bob/11"))

status(result) mustEqual OK

Assumed in routes.conf, the sub-project routes is configured like this:

-> /sub sub.Routes

And in sub.Routes, it contains:

GET /bob/:id controllers.sub.BobController.get(id: Int)

However the route() method always returns None. Using route(FakeRequest(GET, "/bob/11")) doesn't work too.

Currently I can only solve the problem by direct call to the Controller's method:

val result = BobController.get(11)(FakeRequest(GET, "/bob/11"))

In this case, the "11" parameter in the "/bob/11" become useless as it's unused.

So anyone know how to make the route() works for sub-project?

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