I am using Junit with Mockito. I want to test EntityManager, i am getting java.lang.NullPointerException
The below is what i have tried, main class method is,
public ReplicationPerspective buildReplicationPerspective(final String replicationDomain)
throws ReplicationStateException {
try {
final ReplicationPerspective localPerspective =
List<String> ncdKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
for (NodeChangeDelta ncd : this.nodeChangeDeltaQuery.findByChangeStatus(
replicationDomain, ChangeStatus.PENDING)) {
LOGGER.debug("Local perspective is {} ", localPerspective);
return localPerspective;
catch (Throwable t) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to build replication perspective", t);
throw new ReplicationStateException(t);
replicationPerspectiveQuery Bean file method is,
private EntityManager em;
public ReplicationPerspective findReplicationPerspective(final String replicationDomain) {
ReplicationPerspective perspective =
this.em.find(ReplicationPerspective.class, replicationDomain);
if (perspective == null) {
perspective = this.em.find(ReplicationPerspective.class, replicationDomain);
return perspective;
And my test case method is,
public void testBuildReplicationPerspective() throws ReplicationStateException {
this.replicationStateServiceBean =
new ReplicationStateServiceBean(null, null, null, null,
new ReplicationPerspectiveQueryBean(), null, null);
this.em = Mockito.mock(EntityManager.class);
Mockito.when(this.em.find(ReplicationPerspective.class, REPLICATION_DOMAIN))
I am getting NPE error in replicationPerspectiveQuery Bean file at the below line
ReplicationPerspective perspective =
this.em.find(ReplicationPerspective.class, replicationDomain);
How to test entity manager, help me to solve.
I have also tried to mock like below but didn't work,
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