I'm using Test::Mojo
to test a Mojolicious
application JSON endpoints where it has an endpoint that would return different data depending on whether the user was authenticated or not, however, I can't seem to get the unauthenticated test part correctly.
The Mojolicious app is configured with Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication
I assumed that I can have the backend authenticated by running authenticate
against the controller then test against it using the same Test::Mojo
instance after I have extracted the cookie from the controller's response object.
Here's what I've done so far:
use FindBin;
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;
use MyApp;
$ENV{MOJO_MODE} = 'test';
$ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} = 'fatal';
unshift @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib", "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
my $t = Test::Mojo->new(MyApp->new);
subtest 'Accounts endpoint' => sub {
subtest 'Accounts - Unauthenticated' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/api/account/' . $id)
->content_type_like(qr/application\/json/, 'JSON Contenet Type')
subtest 'Accounts - Authenticated' => sub {
my $c = $t->app->build_controller;
$c->session(expiration => time + 300);
$t->ua->on(start => sub {
my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
# $ua->cookie_jar->add($cookie);
$tx->req->cookies({name => $c->res->cookie('mojolicious')->name, value => $c->res->cookie('mojolicious')->value});
# print Dumper $tx->req->cookies, " <<< request cookie\n";
# print ">>> ", $_->name for @{$ua->cookie_jar->all};
if ($c->authenticate('username', 'password')) {
ok $c->is_user_authenticated, 'User was authenticated';
$t->get_ok('/api/account/' . $id)
->content_type_like(qr/application\/json/, 'JSON Contenet Type')
I thought that the problem is once authenticated, the session cookie value should change but in my case the cookie remains unchanged and I believe this is causing the request to send the unauthenticated cookie value and hence the resource is not working.
The question is, how can I retrieve the cookie value after the controller was authenticated against?
Any hint is appreciated. Thanks!
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