mercredi 6 janvier 2016

HTML report for django tests

I have a Django project containing an API (created with rest framework if that counts anywhere). I have added some tests for the API but in order to have an overall view of the tests, either passing, either failing or missing, I need to create an HTML report. When the tests are finished a HTML table report should be generated which shows the endpoints and HTTP responses covered during tests, the results of the tests plus the combinations which are missing the tests.

Unfortunately I cannot understand how should I do that. I know that coverage can give me a detailed html report, but that's not what I need, I need something like this:

| Endpoint description | 200 | 400 | 403 | 404 |
| GET /endpoint1 | PASS | PASS |PASS | N/A |
| POST /endpoint1 | PASS | FAIL |MISSING| N/A |

Does anybody has any idea about that? Maybe some libs that could help out with that or what strategy should I use for that?

Thank you in advance

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