dimanche 3 janvier 2016

Where is the line between unit and integration test (on example)?

I have a problem in understanding where is (or should be) a line between those two kind of tests. So, I have a dummy example: A simple tic-tac-toe game. The game has its own board (3x3) with 9 cells. Dependencies are obvious: Game <- Board <- Cell.

Quick description: Every time user click "New Game", the new Game is created (by GameFactory) and Board needs to be cleared/reset. In the entire lifetime of GameFactory there there is single object of Board. Reset the Board means to create brand new Cell objects. Here is the code:

GameFactory: (as you can see I created Board once, so I need to reset it in Game constructor):

public class GameFactory : IGameFactory
    private readonly IBoard board;
    public GameFactory(IBoard board)
        this.board = board;
    public IGame Create()
        return new Game(board);

Cell and CellFactory

public interface ICell
    int PlayerId { get; set; }
    int Row { get; set; }
    int Column { get; set; }

public interface ICellFactory
    ICell Create(int row, int column);

public class CellFactory : ICellFactory
    public ICell Create(int row, int column)
        return new Cell(row, column);

and finally, Board:

public interface IBoard
    int Width { get; }
    int Height { get; }

    void Reset();

    // Rest is not important for that question
    // ... 

public class Board : IBoard
    private ICell[,] cells;
    private readonly ICellFactory cellFactory;

    public int Width { get; }
    public int Height { get; }

    public void Reset()
        cells = new ICell[Height, Width];
        for (int i = 0; i < cells.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < cells.GetLength(1); j++)
                cells[i, j] = cellFactory.Create(i, j);

    // Rest is not important for that question
    // ...

The Question: How can I test Reset method in Board object? Board is independent from the Game, but it has its own Cells and CellFactory.

Few additional questions related: - Is it possible to create Board unit tests? Can I say that, if an object depends on other objects (even if they are interfaces) then it's already has to be integration test, not unit test?

Here is test I made already. (Reset is called in Board constructor):

    public void BoardCreationTest()
        var cellFactory = new CellFactory();
        IBoard board = new Board(3, 3, cellFactory);

        for (int i = 0; i < board.Height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < board.Width; j++)
                // Check if board.cells[i,j].PlayerId is zero (it has to be zero, player zero is empty cell)
                // Another thing is that cells are private, cause project doesn't need it public
                // Should I make cells public just for tests?

                // Right now I'm checking it IsMoveValid(column, row, playerId)
                // It has to be true, when player 1 wants move in certain cell (it has to be zero, player zero is empty cell)
                Assert.IsTrue(board.IsMoveValid(i, j, 1));

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