jeudi 18 février 2016

Converter alternatives?

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    protected virtual object InnerConvertValue(object value_, Type destinationType_, out TypeConversionException exception_)
        exception_ = null;
        TypeConversionEventArgs args = new TypeConversionEventArgs(value_, destinationType_);
        bool handled = args.Handled;
        bool successful = false;

        if (!handled)
            if (null != value_ && destinationType_.IsAssignableFrom(value_.GetType()) && destinationType_ != typeof(object))
                args.ConvertedValue = value_;
                handled = true;
                successful = true;
        if (!handled)
            if (null == value_ && destinationType_.IsValueType && !TypeReflector.IsNullableValueType(destinationType_))
                exception_ = new TypeConversionException("Cannot convert a null to a value type");
                successful = false;
                handled = true;
            else if (TypeReflector.IsNullableValueType(destinationType_))
                if (null == value_)
                    args.ConvertedValue = null;
                    handled = true;
                    successful = true;
                    args.ConvertedValue = InnerConvertValue(value_, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(destinationType_), out exception_);
                    handled = true;
                    successful = true;
            else if (null == value_ && !destinationType_.IsValueType)
                args.ConvertedValue = null;
                handled = true;
                successful = true;
        Type sourceType = null;
        if (null != value_)
            sourceType = value_.GetType();
        if (!handled)
            if (RegisteredConverters.CanConvert(value_, destinationType_))
                args.ConvertedValue = RegisteredConverters.ConvertValue(value_, destinationType_);
                handled = true;
                successful = true;
        if (!handled && null != sourceType)
            MethodInfo convMethod = FindConversionOperator(sourceType, destinationType_, true);
            if (null != convMethod)
                    args.ConvertedValue = convMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { value_ });
                    successful = true;
                catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                    exception_ = new TypeConversionException(string.Format("Error invoking conversion operator from {0} to {1}", sourceType.Name, destinationType_.Name), ex.InnerException);
                    successful = false;

                handled = true;
        if (!handled)
            if (destinationType_.IsValueType && sourceType == typeof(string))
                string stringValue = (string)value_;
                if (destinationType_.IsEnum)
                    args.ConvertedValue = Enum.Parse(destinationType_, stringValue);
                    handled = true;
                    successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(Int32))
                    int result;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(stringValue, out result))
                        args.ConvertedValue = result;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(bool))
                    if (stringValue.ToLower().Trim() == "true")
                        args.ConvertedValue = true;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                    else if (stringValue.ToLower().Trim() == "false")
                        args.ConvertedValue = false;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(Guid))
                    args.ConvertedValue = new Guid(stringValue);
                    handled = true;
                    successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(DateTime))
                    DateTime result;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(stringValue, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out result))
                        args.ConvertedValue = result;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(Int64))
                    Int64 result;
                    if (Int64.TryParse(stringValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
                        args.ConvertedValue = result;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(Int16))
                    Int16 result;
                    if (Int16.TryParse(stringValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
                        args.ConvertedValue = result;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(Decimal))
                    Decimal result;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(stringValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
                        args.ConvertedValue = result;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(Single))
                    Single result;
                    if (Single.TryParse(stringValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
                        args.ConvertedValue = result;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(Double))
                    Double result;
                    if (Double.TryParse(stringValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
                        args.ConvertedValue = result;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
                else if (destinationType_ == typeof(Byte))
                    Byte result;
                    if (Byte.TryParse(stringValue, out result))
                        args.ConvertedValue = result;
                        handled = true;
                        successful = true;
        if (!handled && sourceType == typeof(int) && destinationType_ == typeof(decimal))
            args.ConvertedValue = (decimal)(int)value_;
            handled = true;
            successful = true;
        if (!handled && sourceType == typeof(int) && destinationType_ == typeof(long))
            args.ConvertedValue = (long)(int)value_;
            handled = true;
            successful = true;
        if (!handled && sourceType == typeof(int) && destinationType_ == typeof(uint) && ((int)value_) >= 0)
            args.ConvertedValue = (uint)(int)value_;
            handled = true;
            successful = true;
        if (!handled && sourceType == typeof(int) && destinationType_ == typeof(ulong) && ((int)value_) >= 0)
            args.ConvertedValue = (ulong)(int)value_;
            handled = true;
            successful = true;
        if (!handled && sourceType == typeof(long) && destinationType_ == typeof(decimal))
            args.ConvertedValue = (decimal)(long)value_;
            handled = true;
            successful = true;
        if (!handled && sourceType == typeof(long) && destinationType_ == typeof(int) && ((long)value_) <= Int32.MaxValue)
            args.ConvertedValue = (int)(long)value_;
            handled = true;
            successful = true;
        if (!handled && sourceType == typeof(long) && destinationType_ == typeof(uint) && ((long)value_) >= 0 && ((long)value_) <= UInt32.MaxValue)
            args.ConvertedValue = (uint)(long)value_;
            handled = true;
            successful = true;
        if (!handled && sourceType == typeof(long) && destinationType_ == typeof(ulong) && ((long)value_) >= 0)
            args.ConvertedValue = (ulong)(long)value_;
            handled = true;
            successful = true;
        if (!handled)
        {   // try type converters for source and destination types
            TypeConverter sourceConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(sourceType);
            TypeConverter destinatonConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(destinationType_);
            if (null != sourceConverter && sourceConverter.CanConvertTo(destinationType_))
                    args.ConvertedValue = sourceConverter.ConvertTo(value_, destinationType_);
                    handled = true;
                    successful = true;
                    handled = false;
                    successful = false;
            else if (null != destinatonConverter && destinatonConverter.CanConvertFrom(sourceType))
                    args.ConvertedValue = destinatonConverter.ConvertFrom(value_);
                    handled = true;
                    successful = true;
                    handled = false;
                    successful = false;

        if (successful)
            handled = args.Handled;
        if (!handled)
            exception_ = new TypeConversionException(value_, destinationType_);
            return null;
            return args.ConvertedValue;

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