I have a Rails 4
integration test which is running and passing as I speak. It runs on Ruby Thin
server. Now, I have configured Nginx
server which is proxying all the requests and I want my integration test to point to Nginx
server and run as they would run directly on Thin
How to configure my integration tests so that they can run and pass with Nginx
acting as the request handler proxy?
Old: Integration Test -> Thin Server (TESTS PASSING FINE !!!!)
New: Integration Test -> Nginx Server -> Thin Server (HOW TO CONFIGURE TESTS ????)
My Nginx server is already up and running with name: www-mynginx-server.com
require 'test_helper'
class LoginTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
setup do
@user = users(:admin)
test "login page is displayed on root path" do
delete '/signout'
get root_path
assert redirect?
assert_redirected_to '/signin'
assert_template :new
assert_template %r{\Adevise/sessions/new\Z}
assert_select "a[href=?]", users_path, count: 0
assert_select "input[id=?]", 'user_email', count: 1
assert_select "input[id=?]", 'user_password', count: 1
assert_select "input[value=?]", 'Log in', count: 1
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