samedi 29 octobre 2016

PHPUnit How to constraint mock stub method input with array subset containing instanceOf?

I want to test pretty specific piece of code, but I can't find a good way to do it. I have such code:

public function foo()
    try {
        //...some code
    } catch (\OAuth2Exception $e) {
            ['exception' => $e]

And I want to test if the exception was thrown and logged to $this->logger. But I can't find a good way to do it. Here is how I do it currently.

public function testFoo()
    $oauthException = new \OAuth2Exception('OAuth2Exception message');

    //This is a $service Mock created with $this->getMockBuilder() in test case injected to AuthManager.

    //This is a $logger Mock created with $this->getMockBuilder() in test case injected to AuthManager.

    //AuthManager is the class beeing tested.

This will test if error method was called with certain parameters, but array key 'exception' and exception object can exist in different parts of the array. What I mean is that test will pass for such error method call:

                'exception' => 'someValue',
                'someKey' => $e

I would like to make sure that error method will always receive such subset ['exception' => $e]. Something like this would be perfect:

                ['exception' => $oauthException)]

Is it possible to achieve with PHPUnit?

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