vendredi 28 octobre 2016

Unusual behavior in testing: node.js/ Mocha

I recently jumped into nodeJS and started building a middleware applicaiton using Express & Wagnor

below is my package.JSON

"devDependencies": {
  "gulp": "3.8.11",
  "gulp-mocha": "2.0.1",
  "mocha": "2.2.4",
  "superagent": "1.2.0",
  "wagner-core": "0.1.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "underscore": "1.5.2",
  "mongodb": "2.2.10",
  "express": "",
  "http-status": "0.1.8",
 "scripts": {
 "test": "mocha test.js"

i am stuck in a very peculiar situation and searched for similar incident reports but could not get any relevant. I am sure i am making a silly mistake and need assistance in identifying it.

Here is the scenario, i have a basic middle-ware setup with 6 endpoints, and i am testing using mocha.

I have a test.js file with 6 tests and problem is that when i run it it passes once and fails another time and then passes again without any intervention to env or code or tests. This makes me very concerned that weather my application will behave similarly in production or it is a tests related issue or a known mocha issue (couldn't find any).

Below is my test file

var URL_ROOT = 'http://localhost:3131';
var express = require('express');
var wagner = require('wagner-core');
var assert = require('assert');
var superagent = require('superagent');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
//mongoose.set('debug', true);

var PRODUCT_ID = '0000000000000000000001';

describe('Store API', function(){
    var server; 
    var Product;
    var Catagory;
    var User;

    before(function() {
        var app = express();

        // Bootstrap sertver
        models = require('./models')(wagner);
        wagner.invoke(require('./auth'), {app: app});
        server = app.listen(3131);

        //Make Catagory and Product model available in test
        Catagory = models.Catagory;
        Product = models.Product;
        User = models.User;

        app.use( function(req, res, next) {
          User.findOne({}, function(error, user) {
               req.user = user;
           });  //user.findone
       }); //app.use
    }); //before

        //Shut the server
    }); //after

    beforeEach(function(done) {
        //Make sure Catagories are empty before each test
        Catagory.remove({}, function(error) {
            Product.remove({}, function(error) {
                User.remove({}, function(error) {
                    //Create Products, Catagories and Users
                    var catagories = [
                        { _id: 'Electronics'},
                        { _id: 'Phones', parent: 'Electronics'},
                        { _id: 'Laptop', parent: 'Electronics'},
                        { _id: 'Meat'}

                    // create product data
                    var products = [
                            _id: '00000000000001',
                            name: 'LG G4',
                            catagory: { _id: 'Phones', ancestors: ['Electronics', 'Phones']},
                            price: {
                                amount: 300,
                                currency: 'USD'
                            _id: '00000000000002',
                            name: 'Asus Zenbook Prime',
                            catagory: { _id: 'Laptop', ancestors: ['Electronics', 'Laptop']},
                            price: {
                                amount: 2000,
                                currency: 'USD'
                            _id: '00000000000003',
                            name: 'MeatOne Goasht Wala',
                            catagory: {_id: 'Meat', ancestors: ['Meat']},
                            price: {
                                amount: 20,
                                currency: 'USD'

                    var users = [{
                        profile: {
                            username: 'shoaibhb',
                            picture: ''
                        data: {
                            oauth: 'invalid',
                            cart: []

                    Catagory.create( catagories, function(error) {
                        Product.create(products, function(error) {
                              User.create(users, function(error) {
                                  User.findOne({}, function(err, user) {


    it('can load a Catagory by id', function(done) {
        // Create a single Catagory
        // Catagory.create({ _id: 'Electronics' }, function(error, doc) {
        //     assert.ifError(error);
            var url = URL_ROOT + '/catagory/id/Electronics';
            //Make and HTTP request to localhost:3131/catagory/id/Electronics
            superagent.get(url, function(error, res) {
                var result;
                // and make sure we got { _id: 'Electronics'} back
                assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
                    result = JSON.parse(res.text);
                assert.equal(result.catagory._id, 'Electronics');
        //});// ends here

    it('can load all Catagories that have a certain parent', function(done) {

        // Create 4 catagories was here earlier, moved to beforeEach()

        //Catagory.create(catagories, function(error, catagories) {
            var url = URL_ROOT + '/catagory/parent/Electronics';
            //make HTTP request to /catagory/parent/Electronics
            superagent.get(url, function(error, res) {
                var result;
                assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
                    result = JSON.parse(res.text);
                assert.equal(result.catagories.length, 2);
                // should be in assending order by _id
                assert.equal(result.catagories[0]._id, 'Laptop');
                assert.equal(result.catagories[1]._id, 'Phones');
        //});// create cat ends here

    it('can load a product by id', function(done) {
        //Create a single product

        var oneProduct = {
                name: 'LG G4',
                _id: PRODUCT_ID,
                catagory: { _id: 'Phones', ancestors: ['Electronics', 'Phones']},
                price: {
                    amount: 300,
                    currency: 'USD'

        Product.create(oneProduct, function(error, doc) {
          assert.ifError( error);
            var url = URL_ROOT + '/product/id/' + PRODUCT_ID;
            // Make HTTP request to 
            // localhost:3131/product/id/0000000000000000000001
            superagent.get(url, function(error, res) {
                var result = {};
                //And make sure we got LG G4 back

                assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
                    result = JSON.parse(res.text);

                assert.equal(result.product._id, PRODUCT_ID);
                assert.equal(, 'LG G4');

    it('can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories', function(done) {

        // moved to beforeEach function 

                var url = URL_ROOT + '/product/catagory/Electronics';
                //Make HTTP Request to loca:3131
                superagent.get(url, function(error, res) {
                    var result;
                    assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
                        result = JSON.parse(res.text);                
                    assert.equal(result.product.length, 2);
                    // should be assending order by name
                    assert.equal(result.product[0].name, 'Asus Zenbook Prime');
                    assert.equal(result.product[1].name, 'LG G4');

                    //Sort by price , assending
                    var url = URL_ROOT + '/product/catagory/Electronics?price=1';
                    superagent.get(url, function(error, res) {
                        var result;
                        assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
                            result = JSON.parse(res.text);
                        assert.equal(result.product[0].name, 'LG G4');
                        assert.equal(result.product[1].name, 'Asus Zenbook Prime');

    it('can load user cart', function(done) {
        var url = URL_ROOT + '/me/';
        User.findOne({}, function( error, user) {
            console.log("error %j",error);
   = [{ product: PRODUCT_ID, quantity: 1}];
                superagent.get(url, function(error, res) {
                    assert.equal(res.status, 200);
                    var result;
                    assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
                        result = JSON.parse(res.text).user;
                    assert.equal([0], 'Asus Zenbook Prime');
                    assert.equal([0].quantity, 1);


    it('can save user cart', function(done) {
        var url = URL_ROOT + '/me/cart/';

             data: {
                 cart: [{ product: PRODUCT_ID, quantity: 1}]
         }).end(function(error, res) {
             assert.equal(res.status, status.OK);
             User.findOne({}, function(error, user) {
                 assert.equal(, 1);
                 assert.equal([0].product, PRODUCT_ID);
                 assert.equal([0], quantity, 1);
    enter code here


When i run these tests, here is what happens: a) 6 Tests pass b) Some test fail c) there is a blank response

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

  Store API
express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option auth.j
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUnini
tialized option auth.js:57:39
    √ can load a Catagory by id (81ms)
    √ can load all Catagories that have a certain parent
    √ can load a product by id
    √ can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories
    √ can load user cart
error null
    1) "before each" hook

  5 passing (752ms)
  1 failing

  1) Store API "before each" hook:
     Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null
      at test-6passing.js:243:17
      at node_modules\mongoose\lib\query.js:1173:16
      at node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\kareem\index.js:109:16

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

  Store API
express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option auth.j
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUnini
tialized option auth.js:57:39
    √ can load a Catagory by id (89ms)
    √ can load all Catagories that have a certain parent (38ms)
    √ can load a product by id
    √ can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories
    √ can load user cart
error null
    1) "before each" hook

  5 passing (922ms)
  1 failing

  1) Store API "before each" hook:
     Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null
      at test-6passing.js:243:17
      at node_modules\mongoose\lib\query.js:1173:16
      at node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\kareem\index.js:109:16

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

  Store API
express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option auth.j
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUnini
tialized option auth.js:57:39
    √ can load a Catagory by id (96ms)
    √ can load all Catagories that have a certain parent
    √ can load a product by id
    √ can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories
    √ can load user cart
error null
    √ can save user cart

  6 passing (852ms)

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

  Store API
express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option auth.j
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUnini
tialized option auth.js:57:39
    √ can load a Catagory by id (80ms)
    √ can load all Catagories that have a certain parent
    √ can load a product by id
    1) can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories
    √ can load user cart
error null
    2) "before each" hook

  4 passing (862ms)
  2 failing

  1) Store API can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories:

      Uncaught AssertionError: 0 == 2
      + expected - actual


      at test-6passing.js:215:28
      at Request.callback (node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:785:12)
      at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:
      at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:913:12)

  2) Store API "before each" hook:
     Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null
      at test-6passing.js:243:17
      at node_modules\mongoose\lib\query.js:1173:16
      at node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\kareem\index.js:109:16

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

  Store API
express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option auth.j
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUnini
tialized option auth.js:57:39
    √ can load a Catagory by id (86ms)
    √ can load all Catagories that have a certain parent (38ms)
    √ can load a product by id
    √ can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories
    √ can load user cart
error null
    1) "before each" hook

  5 passing (744ms)
  1 failing

  1) Store API "before each" hook:
     Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null
      at test-6passing.js:243:17
      at node_modules\mongoose\lib\query.js:1173:16
      at node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\kareem\index.js:109:16

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

  Store API
express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option auth.j
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUnini
tialized option auth.js:57:39
    √ can load a Catagory by id (97ms)
    √ can load all Catagories that have a certain parent (43ms)
    √ can load a product by id
    √ can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories
    √ can load user cart
error null
    √ can save user cart

  6 passing (785ms)

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

  Store API
express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option auth.j
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUnini
tialized option auth.js:57:39
    √ can load a Catagory by id (83ms)
    √ can load all Catagories that have a certain parent
    √ can load a product by id (39ms)
    √ can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories
    √ can load user cart
error null
    1) "before each" hook

  5 passing (797ms)
  1 failing

  1) Store API "before each" hook:
     Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null
      at test-6passing.js:243:17
      at node_modules\mongoose\lib\query.js:1173:16
      at node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\kareem\index.js:109:16

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

D:\Programs_Insalled\nodejs\finalMEAN\edx\retailStore>mocha test-6passing.js

  Store API
express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option auth.j
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUnini
tialized option auth.js:57:39
    √ can load a Catagory by id (93ms)
    √ can load all Catagories that have a certain parent (38ms)
    √ can load a product by id
    √ can load all products in a Catagory with sub-catagories
    √ can load user cart
error null
    √ can save user cart

  6 passing (806ms)


So the Question:

  1. Is there a mistake i am doing
  2. Is my approach incorrect
  3. Is there an issue in mocha that i don't know
  4. This is how it is

My environment is MongoDB, Node, Express, Windows

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