I may be misinformed in how this all works, but from what I understand, when you create a mocha testcheck test, you need to enter your information in a completely different syntax then when you do when you make a straight up mocha test.
The mocha test I have right now looks something like this:
{ should: 'return true bold', criteria: {rules: [{label: '<b>word</b>'}]}, attempt: {answer: '<b>word</b>'}, expected: true },
I'm looking at the example that is in the mocha-testcheck documentation, and the example looks like this:
describe('MySpec', function () {
check.it('accepts an int and a string', [gen.int, gen.string], function (x, y) {
assert(typeof x === 'number');
assert(typeof y === 'string');
is there any way to easily convert what I have into what the second example indicates?
Thanks in advance!!!
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