I'd like to generate some sample tests using Haskell Test.QuickCheck
The goal is to generate data of (Int, [Int]) with the following conditions where the tuple is (x, xs):
- x > 0
- x not in xs
- all xs >0
Scratching my head and stumbling through the manual http://ift.tt/2m4pjDK after some time I can produce random lists meeting these requirements:
import Test.QuickCheck
mygen = arbitrary::Gen (Int, [Int]))
sample (mygen `suchThat` ( \(x, xs)->( (x `notElem` xs) && (x > 0) && (all (>0) xs)&& (xs/=[]))))
Running the last line in the GHCI outputs something like:
How can this be done more efficiently since - I'm guessing- the function mygen creates a large sample set then filters out based on the
criteria -
How can I indicate the list xs should be of a certain size. For example if I add
&& length xs > 50
the program runs for a very long time. -
Guarantee that each element of xs is unique. I.e. avoid records like (99,[22,22])
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