vendredi 30 juin 2017

How to set a test for multiple fetches with Promise.all using jest

I'm using jest for my tests. I'm using react and redux and I have this action:

function getData(id, notify) {
 return (dispatch, ...) => {
   .then(([response1],[response2],[response3]) => {
        ... handle responses
   .catch(error => { dispatch(handleError(error)); }

I've been looking for into the jest documentation how to set a test for this action, but I was unable to find a way. I tried myself something like this:

it('test description', (done) => {
  const expectedActions = [{type: {...}, payload: {...}},{type: {...}, payload: {...}},...];
  fetchMock.get('resource1', ...);
  fetchMock.get('resource2', ...);
  fetchMock.get('resource3', ...);
   ... then the rest of the test calls

Unsuccessfully. So how should I proceed?

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