An index view of a Rails 4.2 app has a table with sort links at its header. If the user clicks the "E-mail" header, records are sorted by E-mail, and so on. When a sort link is clicked, the page is reloaded (with a query string like q=email+asc
). AJAX is not yet used.
I've written the following test. It works, but I believe there should be a better way to test this.
it "sorts by e-mail when the 'E-mail' column header is clicked", :focus do
visit "/admin/users"
expected_id_order = User.order(:email).map(&:id)
# Once the page is reloaded (the new sort order is applied), the "stale"
# class will disappear. Note that due to Turbolinks, only the part of
# the DOM that is modified by a request will have its elements replaced.
within "thead" do
# Force Capybara to wait until the page is reloaded
expect(page).to have_no_selector("tr.user.stale")
actual_id_order = page.body.scan(/<tr.+id="user_(.+)".*>/).flatten
expect(actual_id_order).to eq(expected_id_order)
Additional details:
elements have DOM IDs containing the DB IDs of their corresponding records, like<tr class="user" id="user_34">
. Using regex to extract the order in which the records are displayed in the page is probably not the best solution. Can you suggest a better way?- I don't like the JavaScript hack (using JQuery to add the
class and then waiting until it disappears to ensure the page was reloaded), but so far I could not find another way to ensure Capybara waits until the page is reloaded (the new sort order is applied). Can you suggest a better way? - The test data consists of 3 records created with FactoryGirl.
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