mardi 4 juillet 2017

Working of Mockito's verify and argument captor

I'm trying to test the following method

public void saveToMultipleSources(MyObject myObject)
    if (myObject.isOfSomeType()) {

The test I wrote was

public void testSaveFeature()
    //initialize all objects
    obj.saveToMultipleSources(myObject); //myObject has a valid content.

But on running, I get the error that expected and actual arguments differ for the verify statement of firstDAO. The expected was an object with valid content but actual arguments invoked are with Content set as null. I tried the exact same thing with ArgumentCaptor as well, but got the same results.

Can someone explain why does Mockito behave this way? I tried logging the entire object and can see valid Content being set just before I call the firstDAO.

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