dimanche 13 août 2017

CircleCI - How to test on IE11?

I have an Angular CLI App and I'm using CircleCI 2.0 configuration. I want to test my app against IE11. Relevant part of my karma.conf.ts:

plugins: [
browsers: ['IE']

Relevant Circle CI config:

    working_directory: ~/app
      - image: circleci/node:8.2.1-browsers
      - checkout
      - restore_cache:
          key: dependency-cache-
      - run:
          name: Test
          command: npm test -- --single-run --progress=false --code-coverage --log-level=DEBUG

I get the following error in CircleCI Logs:

13 08 2017 16:25:17.085:ERROR [launcher]: No binary for IE browser on your platform.
  Please, set "IE_BIN" env variable.

1: Is IE included in the circleci/node:8.2.1-browsers image? If not, how do I install it?

2. What would be the value of IE_BIN environment variable?

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