mardi 22 août 2017

Folder Management Software - GIT repository organization

This is a non-programming related question and I am not sure if I am in the right spot to post this. If not I'm sure someone will let me know.

I am curious if anyone knows of any software which basically allows you to organize files and folders and give them tags, notes, etc without actually doing anything to the file or folder itself in windows.

So for example, I have a central repository folder with a few hundred GIT repos in it. I would like to add a "tag" or flag to specific repo's, say some are being tested, while some are being developed, etc. Then being able to sort everything by a specific flag or other parameters.

Also being able to add notes to a folder such as any updates to a piece of software, or known issues, etc.

I know this is kind of a generic question but I tried providing an example of a feature I would need so hopefully this is enough for someone to provide some suggestions.

Thanks for any help!

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