mercredi 23 août 2017

How to get number of a determined called to method in PHPUnit

Currently I'm using strings to specifies where fail my test, like this:

In the first call to 'XY' method, the first parameter:

so, want to get the number of call with phpunit.

In short, I want instead 'first, second, third ...' a cardinal number, but given for phpunit (better)

public function testExample() {

        $test = $this;

                        $this->callback(function ($arg ) use ($test) {
                                $part = 'In the first call to methodOne method, the first parameter: ';
                                $test->assertThat($arg, $this->logicalAnd(
                                        ),$part .'is not equal to "example1" '
                                return true;
                        $this->callback(function ($arg) use ($test) {
                                $part = 'In the first call to methodOne method, the first parameter: ';
                                $test->assertThat($arg, $this->logicalAnd(
                                        ),$part .'is not equal to "example2"'
                                return true;

I hope our help ! thanks for your attention.

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