mardi 15 août 2017

sorted and unsorted arrays - strange result

I read about cache recently, so I tried to benchmark some code. I use two dependencies here - Timer for measuring tests and Random::value for randomizing values in array.

#include "../../Core/Include/Timer.hpp"
#include "../../Core/Include/Math.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

constexpr auto TEST_SIZE = 50'000;

int main()
    std::array<int, TEST_SIZE> arraySorted;
    std::array<int, TEST_SIZE> arrayNotSorted;
    std::vector<int> vectorSorted( TEST_SIZE );
    std::vector<int> vectorNotSorted( TEST_SIZE );

    // Filing with random data.
    for ( uint16_t i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++ ) {
        auto rndVal = Random::value( -1024, 1024 );
        vectorNotSorted[i] = vectorSorted[i] = arrayNotSorted[i] = arraySorted[i] = rndVal;

    // Sorting containers.
    std::sort( arraySorted.begin(), arraySorted.end() );
    std::sort( vectorSorted.begin(), vectorSorted.end() );

    Timer timer;

    // Testing.
    for ( auto& val : arraySorted )
        val = Random::value( 0, 1 );

    std::cout << "arraySorted: " << timer.GetMicroseconds() << "ms\n";

    for ( auto& val : arrayNotSorted )
        val = Random::value( 0, 1 );

    std::cout << "arrayNotSorted: " << timer.GetMicroseconds() << "ms\n";

    for ( auto& val : vectorSorted )
        val = Random::value( 0, 1 );

    std::cout << "vectorSorted: " << timer.GetMicroseconds() << "ms\n";

    for ( auto& val : vectorNotSorted)
        val = Random::value( 0, 1 );

    std::cout << "vectorNotSorted: " << timer.GetMicroseconds() << "ms\n";


And my results are strange - output is:

arraySorted: 1889ms
arrayNotSorted: 1879ms
vectorSorted: 1931ms 
vectorNotSorted: 1878ms

Shouldn't sorted be faster than not sorted?

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