mardi 1 août 2017

SpringBoot's DataJpaTest with Flyway

I'm using flyway in my project to setup the DB schema. When I try using the @DataJpaTest annotation to test some JPA layer I get this error upon startup:

> Caused by:
> org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$FlywayMigrateSqlException:
> Migration V1__init.sql failed
> ----------------------------- SQL State  : 42581 Error Code : -5581 Message    : unexpected token: AUTO_INCREMENT : line: 2 Location   :
> db/migration/V1__init.sql
> ..../target/classes/db/migration/V1__init.sql) Line       : 1
> Statement  : CREATE TABLE mytable (    id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT

It looks like it is trying to use HSQL instead of the regular SQL

Is there a way I can use @DataJpaTest with flyway ?

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