It is important to me to be able to assert how many times a fake / mocked method is called in my tests and I'm wondering what is the best way to do this without using something like testify. In my case, the call to the mocked method is the result of some recursive call.
Lets say I have table driven tests with various animals, I want to assert that Hello is actually called for some tests but not for others. In some cases, it should be called more than once for given test (iterating over a slice).
Is it appropriate to just add a counter and make an assertion on that in my table driven test? It seems to me like maybe there is a better way to do this.
If I do add a counter to the hello method... where is it appropriate to deal with and check this. In the fake method itself or in the test etc?
type fakeFarmService struct {
func (f *fakeFarmService) Hello(ctx context.Context, in *abc.FarmRequest) (*abc.FarmResponse, error) {
if in.GetAnimal() == Monkey {
return &abc.HelloResponse{}, nil
return nil, errors.New("an error")
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