samedi 23 septembre 2017

Simulate React events in minified code in iframe

I have files main.js and test.js, containing compiled clojurescript code.

When I open, it loads test.js, which adds an iframe to the page that loads, which in turn loads main.js. test.js then tests various user interactions with inside the iframe.

The problem is that I'm using React, so I need to simulate React events. Part of the reason I'm using this iframe structure is because I learned that React.addons.TestUtils is not loaded in minified code. I thought that, by leaving test.js un-minified, I woud be able to use its version of React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate to simulate React events in main.js, even if the latter is minified. I thought this would enable me to test production code.

What I found through much trial and error was that, when main.js is not minified, I can use its version of Simulate just fine, but when it is minified, I can't use Simulate from test.js on elements in main.

Am I right? Is it possible to use React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate if the library wasn't loaded in the relevant window? Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do, or is there a better way?

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