lundi 30 octobre 2017

JaCoCo plugin for Jenkins not working as expected

I have a question/problem with the Build-over-build feature. I have this config in my pipeline:

jacoco buildOverBuild: true, deltaMethodCoverage: '1'

This code is generated by the pipeline syntax plugin when you mark the checkbox with the 'Fail the build if coverage degrades more than the delta thresholds' value.

And when I run a build log shows:

[JaCoCo plugin] Delta coverage: class: 0.0, method: -5.0, line: -1.989708, branch: 0.0, instruction: -1.413044, complexity: -4.545452 [JaCoCo plugin] Delta thresholds: JacocoHealthReportDeltaThresholds [deltaInstruction=0.0, deltaBranch=0.0, deltaComplexity=0.0, deltaLine=0.0, deltaMethod=1.0, deltaClass=0.0] [JaCoCo plugin] Results of delta thresholds check: FAILURE

But build is not failing and finish successfully. Any idea how to break the build if delta thresholds check FAILS as is happening?


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