lundi 30 octobre 2017

Jasmine failed tests automation

Is there any automation that I can use when a test fails on jasmine to prepare the same environment for a specific failing test? I'm using karma as the spec runner.

For example:

describe("this plugin", function(){
        $("body").append("<input type='text' id='myplugintester'>");
        this.plugin = $("#myplugintester").plugin({
             cond1: true,
             cond2: new Date(),
             condetc: null
    it("should show the correct value", function(){
    it("should display 'disabled' when cond3 is not null", function(){
         this.plugin.cond3 = "blabla";

When the second case fails, I have to write this to a test page to debug what goes wrong with the code.

$("body").append("<input type='text' id='myplugintester'>");
this.plugin = $("#myplugintester").plugin({
     cond1: true,
     cond2: new Date(),
     condetc: null
this.plugin.cond3 = "blabla";

Does any node package automate this? Or how do other developers react in this cases?

Note: I switched from grunt-jasmine to grunt-karma because of the speed. grunt-jasmine allowed me to run single test cases on browsers which I could debug with Chrome Developer Tools. I looked for several html reporters for karma but they only state the result on output HTML. They are not running the specs which I can interrupt and debug.

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