mardi 27 février 2018

Dynamically set a XML tag value

I am trying automate testing using Karate.

I have a XML payload.

I have a static XML payload which I am readying from a file and I want to call my service in loop.

For each call I would like to replace value for a tag name dynamically.

How would I achieve this?


Below is my Main Feature which calls my common feature in loop

Feature: Loop Call
* def common = call read('classpath:CommonFeatures.feature')

* table table
    | payload_file    | field_tag  | field_value |
    | 'HappyPath.xml' | 'car_fuel' | 'Gas'     |
    | 'HappyPath.xml' | 'car_color'| 'Red'     |

* def response = call read('classpath:Car.feature')  table


Feature: Common
    * print payload_file
    * print field_tag
    * print field_value
    * xml payload = read('classpath:/payload/'+payload_file)
    * print payload
    * set payload/$field_tag = field_value

This is where I have issue setting the field_tag value.

I have other option to do this like writing a small java script method to replace the tag value or a small java class which use DOMParser or SAXParser to perform the same.

However I would like to know if there is any karate in build way to perform the same.

Also while using java script method to replace the tag value if I am using var parser = new DOMParser(); and it seems DOMParser is not available to use. Is there a way to make this available?

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