mardi 24 avril 2018

How to test a function using jasemine?

I am trying to test function in main file so function , i have sinon to stubbed the function to spy on actual function, i see this error any idea where is the issue for this test case ? ERROR:

s called with wrong params should call getValidator if not passed I D FAILED AssertError: is not a function in


public getValidators(): IValidator[] {
        const __this = this;
        if (this.object.IsErrorPresent) {
            return [{
                errorKey: this.objErrorHandler.GetErrorDetails().ErrorDetails.Key as any,
                successCondition: __this.checkIfNoErrorsPresent
        } else {
            return [];


it('should call getValidator if not passed ID', function() {
            // wrong field but a valid value
            const wrongUserParam = {Source: "test",  notId: '123'};

            const validator = module.getValidators();



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