mercredi 25 avril 2018

How to test if two lists of combined data types are almost equal, Python

I want to compare two lists. In python, each element of a list can be a different data type.

Suppose I have the two following lists:

import numpy as np

x = [1, 2.5, 'a string', ['a', 'b'], [5, 5.5]]
y = [1, 2.5+1e-8, 'a string', ['a', 'b'], [5, 5.5+1e-8]]

x_no_float = [1, 'a string', ['a', 'b'], [5]]
y_no_float = [1, 'a string', ['a', 'b'], [5]]

If you first look at x and y only. Both lists contain int, float, str, list of str, list of numbers (int and float). The difference between list x and list y is there are two floats, which has 1e-8 in list y. In this case, x and y should be tested as almost equal.

I am using np.testing framework.

  1. To assert lists of only float numbers, assert_allclose can be used:

    np.testing.assert_allclose([2.5, 5.5], [2.5+1e-8, 5.5+1e-8])

  2. If no float is there, then assert_equal can be used:

    np.testing.assert_equal(x_no_float, y_no_float)

In my practical case, I do not know whether there are floats in the list or not. Can you please show me how to write a proper test for it? Moreover, there can be a large number of elements in the lists, so explicit for-loop(s) might not be an elegant/efficient solution.


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