lundi 1 octobre 2018

Azure Devops (VSTS) reads test data from another project

I am trying to Build two C# .Net Framework projects (with Microsoft VSTests)using a .net desktop pipeline in Microsoft Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS),

in the VS Test section, the tests for the first project pass successfully, but the tests for the second projet fail, because the data needed for tests is read from the TestData1 folder which is for the test datas of the first project, but it should be read from TestData2 which is in the project directory. On my local system all tests run and pass successfully! Every project's tests reads its own data from the correct file

here are the errors I'm gettting : VS Test Log

The Tests for the second project Are : (GradedTest_Correctness,GradedTest_Performance,GradedTest_Stress)

And here is the file/folder(s) for both of the project: Files

As you can see every TestData folder is in the right place

I'm so confused and I've been trying anything for the past 2 days to fix this, Any clue or solutions would be appreciated

Thanks a lot

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